Object Rights are rights inherent to all objects, regardless of color, form, material, origin, or any other status. Object Rights include the right to co-exist with human and other living beings, freedom from abuse, freedom of concept and style, the right to be recycled, repurposed, or regifted, and many more. Every object is entitled to these rights, without discrimination.
Object Rights is a New York based design studio that creates and produces Limited Edition Objects of Art and Design.
Established by Deger Cengiz_Architect & Jiwon Shin_Graphic Designer
Email: info@objectrights.com
Instagram: @object.rights
New York
41 Varick Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11237
Phone: +1 347 389 0033
Mehmetcik Cd. 41-3, Sisli, Istanbul 34394
Phone: +90 538 576 2958
76 Elizabeth Bay Road, Elizabeth Bay, NSW 2011
Phone: +62 430 025 252
Shop: https://objectrights.etsy.com
B2B wholesale: https://faire.com/direct/objectrights
Stock list:
Runaway Poppy, New York
Gnr8design, New York
Brooklyn 65, Brooklyn
Designers Collab, Brooklyn
Natural Selection, Brooklyn
Brazil Breeze Store, Southampton
Fondware, NJ
Utility, Rhode Island
Museum of Design Atlanta
Candid Home, LA
Neighbors, CA
Gravel & Gold, San Francisco
Prism, Seattle
The Yo Store, Portland
Hinterland, Portland
And Stuff, Albuquerque
The Rebel Reserve, Cleveland
Duet, Kansas City
The Cellar at Maxtli, San Antonio
Loop and Tie, Carrollton
Caposhie, Vancouver
Kwambio Gallery, London
L’avant gardiste, Paris
Generate Design, Japan